“Generally Speaking…”

bq. Don’t tell us over and over again how something’s a generalization and doesn’t apply to everyone. Duh. Some use of generalities are necessary with these topics. “#”:http://scatteredwords.com/meta/faq.php#q000379 Generalizations. We...

Finding Our Way to Clear, Accurate Communication

I’m reminded again of just how important clear communication is. I actually had my employment with my temporary services agency terminated a couple of days early due to what ended up being a pretty major miscommunication. (My contract was to expire at the end of...

Windows to the Soul

It’s always interesting to observe some of the things that people do that they don’t realize they do. Subtle, and not-so-subtle, nuances in body language are sometimes more revealing than what they say. I talked with a fellow today who spent most of our...

Just Like Family

The place where I’m currently working is in the midst of some major transitions. The guy they’ve hired to effect the changes has placed a huge emphasis on improving the quality and quantity of communication within the organization. Since I’m a...

Say What?!

Communication seems to be something of a lost art these days. I find that when communication breaks down, the cause is either that someone simply failed to communicate or that someone didn’t quite know how to communicate. The solution to the first cause is...

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