Halo 3 Beta – Cracked Down

Due to some unfortunate timing, I missed being able to make the Friends & Family cut for the Halo 3 Beta by about 24 hours. I also missed out on the other previous opportunities for clinching beta invites due to not having an Xbox 360 when those options were...


Bungie “released”:http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=news&cid=12432 a beautiful little video of the Halo 3 beta, as recorded by Mr. Jukes. It’s a mouth-watering, tantalizing bit that promises an even more awesome multiplayer format for...

Matchmaking, New Halo 2 Maps, and You

This just seems remarkably unfair: FyreWulff pointed out a thread on Bungie.net discussing the new Halo 2 maps coming out soon – Jeremiah mentioned that these maps would likely be incorporated in a significant number of playlists – and (at least at this...

Halo: Expanded

Oh. Oh, my. “Bungie”:http://www.bungie.net has just “announced”:http://www.bungie.net/News/TopStory.aspx?link=bungieatx06 two more reasons why I need an Xbox 360. First, is the announcement of “Halo Wars”:http://www.halowars.com,...

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