Halo 3 Hype

DeeJ and L Askan tag-team to bring us more drool-worthy bits from the upcoming Halo 3. It’s almost a sensory overload with all the promotions and advertisements and previews out there right now with this game. Mountain Dew is even in on the action with their...

Motion What?!

I don’t get it. I played Marathon: Durandal for quite a little while yesterday and experienced zero ill effects. Motion sickness? From a video game? Ok, I have a somewhat weak stomach, but this just seems downright...

Halo 3 Stridency

There was a lot of bitching and moaning going around yesterday about the lack of Beta access through _Crackdown_. A lot of angry folks sounded off just about everywhere they could, with some even (quite literally) calling for blood. Angry words were spoken (and...


I now possess a copy of the Halo 3 Beta. Bungie and Microsoft pinpointed the problem yesterday evening and pushed a title update for _Crackdown_ to rectify the issue, which appeared just before I went to bed. So, naturally, that was a good time to start the download....

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