Chess Blog

For interested chess geeks, I’ve started up a “chess blog”: My primary goal right now is simply to share games I’ve played with friends and give me an opportunity to review these games and analyze them. So, if...

Blog Design Issues

Attention, all bloggers! I must take task with a handful of design issues in many of the templates you use. So please take a look at the following issues and see if any exist on your blogs. If so, please correct them immediately. Header Links – I’ve...


I don’t generally acknowledge things like this (mostly because I don’t usually notice until much later), but it just so happens that “Stephanie”: is the “1,000th...

Don’t Write About It

Weblog Tools Collection » Things You Should Avoid Blogging About There’s an excellent essay at the link above about things that bloggers should _not_ blog about. I’ve erred into a couple of those things myself, but have since made a concerted effort to...

Penitent Tangential

I’ve started up a new Halo blog, one that will hopefully be a bit more successful than the last couple I’ve run. “Penitent Tangential”: focuses primarily on Halo-based movie reviews but will also feature the...

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