
Fiction & Micro-Fiction
The Way Out

The Way Out

The tunnel was the only way out. And it was guarded by enormous... squirrels? These mutated little fuckers were the size of small dogs with long, sharp teeth and razor claws. Where they came from we don't know, but suddenly the trees were full of them, and they chased...

The Splice

The Splice

We've been together ever since the nuclear reactor blew. From a global standpoint, this was a minor explosion. It only wiped out the building it was in and about ten square miles of landscape. Almost everything within the blast radius was obliterated. Almost...

The Kiss

The Kiss

The kiss reminded George of drowning, but that’s what he got for kissing a Lashkin, a sea demon of the Deep. He hadn’t exactly planned to kiss the demon, but when its face was right in front of his, he couldn’t help himself. It must have been some sort of glamor the...

Casual EMP

Casual EMP

Hal watched the lights go off across the city. He hadn’t meant to fire off that EMP blast from his fists, but it had happened anyway. And it had been a big blast. Big enough to take out an entire city grid. He didn’t quite understand what had happened. Up until five...

The World

The World

It is the culmination of everything you have done. It marks the completion and fulfillment of one path you are on. It is the World, and it sets a marker for you to revel in your success. You have made it to the end of what you set out to do, and a new cycle is...



It represents transition. It tells you that you need to make some big decisions. It is Judgement, and it is guiding you to change. Several doorways present themselves to you. Which one do you choose? Which path is the right one for you? Only you can make that choice....

The Sun

The Sun

It expresses pure joy and abundance and swells with jubilant life. Its glow and light warms you as you walk beneath it. It is the Sun, and it is ready to bring you enlightenment. You walk in the Sun's light, and in so doing, you know that good changes are on the way....

The Moon

The Moon

It greets you as you walk the Bridge between worlds. It shines down upon you, and speaks of secret waiting to be revealed. It is the Moon, and it is ready to reveal all. You bathe in the Moon's light, even as you listen to its voice speaking to you. It assures you...

The Star

The Star

It sings in the Heavens, but more importantly it sings to you. It sings of reassurance and hope. It is the Star, and the light it shines down on you mirrors the light you shine from yourself. The Star encourages you to feel the good that surrounds you. Whether it be...