And then there was one.
For forever, that is, for the entire length of recorded time, the multiverse expanded into trillions of disparate universes. Each was separated from the others by the slimmest barrier of cosmic energy. The universes existed inside their own bounds, never crossing into one another. Not one universe ever gave even the barest hint that other universes might exist. But exist they did.
Suddenly, on a great multi-cosmic scale, the universes began to collapse on top of one another. They shrunk and merged, destroying everything that had once existed. The universes disintegrated so utterly that they ultimately coalesced into a crystal lattice. And that lattice’s geometry came to form what is the boundary of just one remaining universe.
Our universe.
What we observe now as the furthest reaches of our universe, what we call the Cosmic Microwave Background, is that crystal lattice, formed from what we call the multiverse. Once, there were others. Now, we are all that is left.
So, don’t squander life. Life is precious and, now, unique to our universe. Remember this.