It was a technical glitch. The universe wasn’t supposed to temporarily wink out of existence like that. We apologize for the oversight. The error was completely ours. The hotfix we pushed out that led to the glitch was intended to bypass the Wormhole Highway Eventuality so that no unsuspecting space expeditions would get unintentionally dragged into a whole other galaxy. Believe us, this happens (to more developed races) a whole lot more frequently than you’d think. For those races among who have yet to achieve significant space travel, this hotfix was not meant for you.

Nevertheless, if you find you are experiencing noticeable out-of-body events, or if your limbs aren’t stapled onto your body correctly, or the sky is the wrong shade for whatever planet you exist on, or any of a gazillion other things that might be out of line, please contact Customer Service at the toll-free number on the pamphlet that was provided to you after the glitch.

Again, we apologize for the error and the inconvenience. We are currently in the process of building another hotfix to correct the error from the original hotfix. We do not anticipate any trouble with this impending reboot, but if you should experience any discomfort and notice that the universe is not behaving as it should, again, we urge you to reach out to Customer Service.

Thank you, and have a wonderful day.

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