I need to tell somebody what I’ve done, but I don’t know who to turn to. I doubt anyone would believe me. And if they did, I’m afraid the news would get out, and I would suddenly become a specimen to be analyzed and dissected — figuratively by the public, literally by the government itself.
Maybe I should tell anyone at all. But the news is burning inside me. Should I tell my best friend? Would she be able to keep the secret? I don’t want to end up in some lab somewhere. I don’t even know how I did it, re-aliving that bird like that. One moment it was dead on the ground. The next, I was scooping the thing up in my hands while it preened its feathers. I didn’t even know I could do that, assuming it was me that did it in the first place. But there wasn’t anyone or anything else around. I don’t think dead birds just magically reanimated themselves.
And is that what I am now? Magic? Maybe I should try to restore life to something else that’s dead. But I’m afraid of what it would mean if I did. If it’s really me that’s doing this thing, then what does that mean for me in the long-run? Would it suddenly be my life’s purpose to reanimate absolutely everyone and everything that has died? I don’t even want to think about that.
Oh, look. The neighbor’s cat was apparently hit by a car. Maybe I can bring it back for them. I just hope it doesn’t stay all broken like that.
Let’s see if this works…