It’s been just about three weeks now since I decided to take a break of indeterminate length from Facebook. A couple of people have asked me how it’s going and admitted they probably should do something similar because they always find themselves going to their phones when they have even a few minutes of free time.

The answer? It’s going surprisingly well. I can honestly say I haven’t missed it. Oh, I’ve missed seeing regular updates from people I care about, but I can get those same updates by way of text or phone call — and I have. So I don’t feel like I’m missing much.

What I haven’t missed is everything else. You don’t realize just how much noise there is on Facebook until you’ve been away for a while. Our Timelines are filled to the brink with information that, in the larger scope of things, really doesn’t matter. It’s just filler, fluff. Which is good for Facebook but honestly bad for me (and probably for everyone else, too, if we’re honest about it).

I checked in very briefly last night — less than five minutes — and scrolled down my Timeline just a bit. Apparently there’s something in the news about Joe Biden right now, and I couldn’t possibly care less. There are still memes aplenty that sound wise and pithy and insightful but that, when you really stop to break them down, usually don’t mean or say much of anything meaningful at all.

You know what I didn’t see? A whole of updates of any real substance from my actual friends. They’re there, I know. But they’re drowned in the chaos of everything else, especially since Facebook always seems to think it knows better than its users what they want to see. It took me no time at all to close the browser window and check right back out.

Facebook is noisy. Too damn noisy, if you ask me. And it’s noisy in a way that isn’t healthy. There’s too much contention and passive aggression. There’s too much pontificating about the way individuals are living their lives. And it’s fine that people hold those opinions, but I’m not sure that every little thing needs to be touted around in public.

You’re making positive life changes? Improving your personal outlook on life? Making a better version of yourself? That’s great! But I think we’ve made it too much of a habit to foist that information on anyone and everyone. And don’t mistake me — I think it’s valuable to share the lessons you’re learning as you grow and develop. But what I see on Facebook is less insightful and useful than lessons and more trite, smarmy, and self-aggrandizing. It’s like, Look at me people. I’m making positive changes in my life. Am I not great?

And yeah, I don’t need that. I don’t want it. I’d rather read topics of substance, of deep thoughts and wise insights, of useful, practical experiences that provide tools that others can pick up and use in their own lives.

I’ve done more writing here these last three weeks than I have in months, and that’s a goal I’ve wanted to hit for months, even years, now. This used to be my favorite place to write, to share my thoughts and experiences. But the power and immediacy of Facebook supplanted that far more often than not, so taking a break from social media has helped me get back to my roots. And I’m happier for it.

I’ve also had more time for other hobbies and activities that bring more fulfillment and joy into my life. I’ve had more time to invest in the lives of my friends and family. There’s been more time for my hobbies and personal interests. I’ve spent a lot of time in deep introspection, learning to understand myself better, and how all these moving parts that up me work together to make me who I am. And that is well worth the break from Facebook just by itself.

So, in short, how is my break from Facebook going? In a word, fantastic! Right now I have no urge or desire to return anytime soon. My world is simpler and quieter without it. And frankly, I think everyone could stand to do with a little more simplicity and peace in their lives.

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