“Explain what I’m looking at.”
“Timestream 8496775816-AQZ-25.13.4. We pulled it from yesterday’s archives when it was flagged anomolous.”
“Look here. Grid 117, Segment 16, Node 135. See that curvature?”
“Yes. Explain its significance.”
“Timestream curvatures aren’t unusual. We see them when someone passes near a major gravity well. Black holes produce such events. Same with stars and Jovians.”
“So what’s unusual about this curvature?”
“The subject was traversing hard vacuum at the time, no known gravity wells in proximity.”
“There’s more. This is just one branch of this timestream. We sampled other branches. Most, but not all, displayed similar curvatures. Again, no known gravity wells.”
“Unknown at this time.”
“Then speculate.”
“Best guess? A fourth spatial dimension impinging on the subject’s timestream. We don’t have the tools to confirm this hypothesis, of course, but it’s our best guess for now.”
“Honestly? No idea, but it’s probably not good.”