Captain Adriana Milosovic felt the deck tremble beneath her feet. It was subtle, barely even there at all, and yet it was enough that her senses came to high alert. She glanced around the bridge at her crew, but they were all engaged in their own tasks. No one else seemed to have noticed the oddity.
“Status report!” she barked. Immediately, her crew jumped to high alert as each one checked individual readouts at their stations. Several voices replied simultaneously, but she was used to sorting out the confusion. The gist of the impromptu systems check was that all operations were nominal, operating well within expected parameters.
Adriana returned to her captain’s chair and thumbed the comm for engineering. “Mr. Stock, report please.” The response was immediate.
“We blew a fuse, captain,” he replied. “We’re replacing it right now.”
“Very good. Any idea as to the cause of the failure?”
“None, captain. Diagnostics is underway.”
“Excellent, Mr. Stock. Report to me once you have something.”
“Yes, sir.”