This morning I submitted a piece to the Merry Little Apex Christmas Flash Fiction Contest. It’s something I’ve been meaning to do for a couple of weeks, but between the end of NaNoWriMo, Thanksgiving, and the early December chaos of wrapping up the semester and adding additional professional responsibilities, I just hadn’t gotten around to it until now. Mind you, I harbor no illusions that the thing will make it much further than Apex’s inbox, but it was a fun little thing to write, anyway. It’s a darker twist on a somewhat more traditional holiday theme, as befitting Apex’s style. If I’d had time, I would have written a couple of more submissions, since entrants are allowed up to three separate stories. If you’ve got the time and you’re interested, there’s still a few hours left in the day today to contribute, and since the max length is only 250 words, it should be well within reach. The winner gets their story published on the Apex blog on the 23rd, and I’m kind of hoping that some of the other entries will surface here and there afterward.