“What do you think’s in there, Rob?”
“No idea, Finn. Juice, most likely.”
“Sure, you know, electricity. Stuff’ll juice you, sure as I’m standing here, if you touch it. Knock you flat, leave your hair all sparkly and curled and smelling like something that crawled out of a wall socket.”
“No, what?”
“It’s silly.”
“What? You can tell me. I won’t laugh.”
“Well… it’s just that…”
“I wondered if maybe… it was possible there might be something else coming through those lines.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know. Magic, maybe.”
“Sure, why not? Electricity runs back and forth in wires all the time. Why not magic?”
“Because there’s no such thing as magic.”
“See? I knew you’d think it was silly.”
“Now, don’t get all upset. That’s not what I meant. It’s just… you really think there could be magic up there?”
“Sure! If someone were to touch them, who knows what would happen.”
“I don’t know, Finn. That seems a little far- Hey, what are you doing?”
“I’m going to climb up there and touch one, see what happens.”
“Be careful! Those things might be dangerous!”
“Don’t worr- Whoa.”
“What? What’s happening?”
“I… it’s not magic, exactly. It’s something else. I can feel everything, I can see… everything. Rob, you should try th-”
“Finn? Where’d you go? Finn? FINN! There… there’s nothing here. Oh, Finn. You took it all with you. Where did you go?”
Originally posted at Clarity of Night.