Here’s a nailbiter of a game for ya’. We both fair a couple of tactical errors in this game, but when the dust finally settles, I manage to pull off a checkmate with a Rook and a Pawn, while he has two Queens on the board. Talk about making me sweat!

[Event “Online Chess”]
[Site “”]
[Date “2008.09.05”]
[Round “1”]
[White “Jim Stitzel”]
[Black “David C.”]
[Result “1-0”]
[WhiteElo “1377”]
[BlackElo “1359”]
[TimeControl “1 in 3 days”]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bd3 Nf6 4. O-O Bd6 5. Nc3 O-O 6. b3 a6 7. a4 Nb4 8. Ba3 Nxd3 9. cxd3 Qe7 10. Bxd6 Qxd6 11. g3 Re8 12. Ne2 Qxd3 13. Nc3 Nxe4 14. Nxe4 Qxe4 15. Re1 Qd5 16. Re3 d6 17. Qc2 g6 18. Rae1 Bf5 19. d3 f6 20. Qc3 Bg4 21. d4 Bxf3 22. Rxf3 exd4 23. Rxe8+ Rxe8 24. Qd3 g5 25. Kf1 g4 26. Qf5 Qe6 27. Qxe6+ Rxe6 28. Rf4 c5 29. Rxg4+ Kh8 30. b4 b5 31. axb5 axb5 32. h4 d3 33. bxc5 dxc5 34. Rf4 d2 35. Rf5 d1=Q+ 36. Kg2 Qc2 37. g4 b4 38. h5 b3 39. h6 b2 40. Rd5 b1=Q 41. Rd8+ Re8 42. Rxe8# 1-0

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