I had a few minutes between projects, so I took a moment just now to draw a cartoon version of myself based on this picture. The inspiration for this is because I’ve kind of wanted to replace my “Gravatar”:http://gravatar.com (again, the aforementioned photo), and I kind of like the idea of using a drawn portrait, especially one I’ve done myself. I’m starting to get more comfortable with drawing cartoon people that look semi-real, so I wanted to see if I could draw myself.
Unfortunately, I don’t have a digital version of the final product to display yet, but I quite like the outcome. It took a little bit of experimentation, tweaking, and nudging of graphite to get it right, but what I ended up with is a fair resemblance of myself as I might look in a cartoon. Once I get home this evening, I’ll ink it, scan and color it, and post it here.
…and the result is?…