I guess I haven’t updated here in a few days. We’ve been neck-deep in projects, like getting a new furnace installed, a new well dug and water lines dug out to all our outbuildings and horse paddocks, and trying to get our roof re-shingled. I’ve also been fighting off an upper respiratory infection the last couple of days, but I have drugs now, so hopefully I’ll be feeling better soon.

There’s been a great response to my giveaway for “Apex #6”:http://shamuswrites.com/2007/10/31/book-giveaway-apex-digest-6/, which I neglected to mention in the original post (because I didn’t know) is sold out. I’ll be drawing a random winner from the pool of folks who’ve put their name into the hat, and hope that all of you will come back again for my next giveaway (which may also be the last for awhile until I can find some more things to give away).

There’s also been no response so far to last Friday’s “writing prompt”:http://shamuswrites.com/2007/11/02/writing-prompt-2/. Admittedly, I’ve kind of forgotten about it myself. I’ll try to remember to write up a bit of flash fiction based on it and hope that at least a couple of other folks will do the same and leave a link to their story in that entry.

I’m thrilled to find that I’m actually producing my comic “Reclaimer”:http://comic.shamuswrites.com on a regular schedule. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to find the time, but it really has gotten easier and faster to do with each one. I’m on a Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedule with that now, so you can look there on a regular basis for updates, or just subscribe to the “feed”:http://comic.shamuswrites.com/feed/.

And with that, I think it’s off to bed for me. This puppy’s still sick and needs his sleep.

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