Strange – over the past two or three days, my site statistics have spiked. Already today I’ve received 319 unique hits, nearly all from unknown referrers – and I’m really not sure why. The vast majority of these hits seem to be directed at my “Book Love”: entry from a few days ago. Again I’ve no clue as to why. Initially, I was thinking spambots, but the almost single-minded focus on this one entry would seem to preclude that idea (spambots generally run the gamut of archived entries). So, the only other thing I can think of is that someone submitted that entry to a social bookmarking site – yet I don’t see that site listed as a referrer, which naturally causes doubt.
So, anyone know if that entry got submitted somewhere? Or can anyone offer up a better explanation for the sudden spike in traffic to my site?
Perhaps someone thumbs uped it in StumpleUpon and it’s been hit that way???
…um… please respectfully ignore the fact that I can’t spell “stumble”
No, because when StumbleUpon refers people to my site, they show up as the referrer. I’m only getting Unknown as the referrer here. I’m not really sure _what’s_ going on.
It’s simple.
More people want your body these days. Have you been working out?
Well, y’know… I _have_ lost weight. I suppose _that_ could be it…
It’s definitely that.
You do spend your days walking around a college campus.
Hm, yeah, I hadn’t thought of that…
I need to spend my days walking around a college campus.
Yes. Yes, you do. :)