I really _would_ like to get “Flashes of Speculation”:http://open-dialogue.com/fs into a much more active status – more submissions coming in, more interaction from readers (both on the site itself and on the “discussion board”:http://open-dialogue.com/bbpress/forum/3 I’ve created for it), more of everything that will launch it more into the public eye. Unfortunately, though, marketing has never been a skill of mine, and I’m just plain out of ideas of things to do to advance its visibility.

So, here’s where I’d like some help and suggestions from my readers. What could I do to advertise FS a bit more broadly and make it more well-known? Where are places I could go and sites that might be interested in doing link exchanges? And are there any graphicly-minded folks out there who might be willing to donate a couple of banners and buttons that FS could put into circulation for folks to post on their sites? Any other ideas that I’m sure I missed?


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