A “entry on another blog”:http://serotoninrain.wordpress.com/2007/01/24/news-thats-only-a-day-old/ yesterday led me on a “merry trail”:http://mis_nomer.blogspot.com/2007/01/news-on-far-side.html to this “Newspaper Clipping Generator”:http://www.fodey.com/generators/newspaper/snippet.asp. That, in turn, served as the inspiration for a 387-word piece of flash fiction that I intend to use for the “100 Voices in the Night”:http://100voicesinthenight.com project. It’s kind of funny how it worked out because when the story was all written, I realized that it’s actually part of another story that’s been in my head for a couple of years now, just from a different perspective.

I still haven’t decided if the longer story is even going to get written. It’s a science fiction/horror piece, and some of the events that transpire make me a little nervous. It’s a nightmare descended on Earth, or at least one part of it, and as such is from the perspective of at least one person trapped inside it. The one I wrote yesterday is written in newspaper-style format, and details some of the events of those who were lucky enough to be outside the phenomenon.

I didn’t plan the relationship between these two stories – it just sort of happened. But it’s pretty cool that it worked out that way because it actually provides a little more focus and a few more details to the longer story that may never get written. Maybe I’ll write this little universe into existence – I don’t think there’s actually going to be that much to tell, but once I step into it, I may find it’s bigger than I first thought. We’ll just have to wait and see.

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