No offense to those of you that do these, but Quizilla quizzes are hardly reliable or valid. I suppose that they _can_ be fun, but the statistician in me absolutely rebels at these things, thus ruining all the fun. I’ve tried running through a few over the last few months, and inevitably I end up just shaking my head and cringing a lot. The shuddering subsides after an hour or so. Honestly, who writes those questions, let alone thinks that they actually relate to the results they give? It’s painful to watch, so that’s why I usually steer clear of this type of social meme. Now, if they were designed to actually be valid and reliable, I think I might enjoy them more. But of course, it’s just your average Joe who sets them up, someone who generally knows little to nothing about survey design, so naturally the results are going to end up meaning bupkus.

But hey, don’t listen to me – I’m just a spoil-sport, anyway.

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