Home projects worked on over the weekend:

  1. Scraped and painted trim on about 1/4 to 1/3 of the house.
  2. Replaced lightswitch to the barn floodlights.
  3. Hung new flourescent light fixture in the garage.
  4. Set up horse stall #6.
  5. Hung curtains in the master bedroom.
  6. Hung small quilt with horse design on the wall over the bed.

Plus, we went to an auction for most of Saturday afternoon and evening, spent time with family yesterday, and came home with a pile of ‘new’ clothes that actually fit me ((It’s the ultimate irony that I’m now wearing my kid brother’s hand-me-downs.)) and a stack of canned goods that should last us a good long time.

Busy weekend, very full, and I got zero writing done, but that’s ok. Winter’s coming and things need doing before it gets here. I’ll have plenty of time to write once cold weather sets in.

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