Thanks to Lorelle VanFossen of “Lorelle on WordPress”:, I finally have my “Contact”: and “Quotes”: pages working properly. I’ve been using the Textile 2 plugin because I love its method of marking up my posts. Unfortunately, for some reason, using it also broke the tag on both pages that let those particular plugins work (Textile 2 kept wanting to convert the tag to markup language for some reason). I’d pretty much written off that functionality because I couldn’t identify the problem, let alone fix it, and contact with both the author of Textile 2 and Textism yielded no help. But I was also loth to disable Textile 2 because so many of my entries now use it and I would have to go back and manually correct everything so as not to make reading my blog completely impossible. ((Plus, I really like Textile 2. Did I mention that?))

Well, Lorelle has been blogging a series of one-year anniversary reviews, and today’s tip pointed me to her “plugin page”: on her “Taking Your Camera On the Road”: blog. I love plugins and I always love finding new ones. So I was delighted to find one that gives a greater degree of versatility in what kind of markup an author can use. (Hint: Textile 2 was one of the options.) I decided to experiment by downloading the plugin and installing it. Sure enough, it fixed whatever problem that the Textile 2 standalone plugin had created, allowing both my Contact and Quotes pages to function normally again. This is a huge relief because people _were_ using the Contact page to email me before Textile 2 broke it.

Writer’s Blog is once again functioning 100% as it ought to be.

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