I’ve finished up this version of my website’s restructure. I’m always hacking around with it, though, so I figure that eventually something else will get added and changed, but hopefully it will all still be able to fall under the navigation system I’ve set up. Perhaps the most noticeable change to my site is the replacement of the portal on my “front page”:http://www.open-dialogue.com with a simply splash page that easily lets users navigate to any of my main five (so far) projects – three blogs, a wiki, and a discussion forum (which itself may get overhauled a bit in the near future, depending on what I end up deciding to do with it).

Each project itself – with the exclusion of the forum – has been altered slightly to include a navigation menu back to the front page and to each of the other projects on the site. Essentially, I want my readers to be able to partake fully in each of my projects, if they so wish, without having to always navigate back out to the front page to get around. I expect I’ll be adding a photo gallery eventually, as well, but that generally requires that I actually _have_ photos to share, so that project has been tabled for the time being. Feel free to surf around all the projects if you wish – join a discussion on the forum, subscribe to any (or all) of my blog feeds, comment on one of my stories, add some info to the wiki, whatever you want. And I’m always open to suggestions for new things to try out, so don’t hesitate to offer some feedback.

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