For my wife and me, our pets are like our children. We have two horses, a German Shepherd, and up until two days ago, a small, grey gerbil. We had been seeing signs over the past week that her time was probably close — lack of appetite, sleeping in odd positions, shakiness. We came home Sunday evening to find that our gerbil had finally died, and so we took a few moments to take care of her and clean out her cage. The whole process left us feeling a little sad. And if we, as her owners, felt saddened by the loss of her, how much more would God have felt the loss of one of His creatures? Christ “said”: that not a single sparrow is forgotten by God, indicating that He is intimately involved with and aware of the entirety of His creation. It’s an amazing thought that God would care so much about the least of His handiwork, and if He devotes so much of his attention to the least, how much more must He give to us who bear His image? Humbling, and awe-inspiring, in one fell stroke.

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