Yeah, so I’ve been really prolific with the thoughts today…..
— original author wrote:
> Accepting an Idea
> 1. It’s impossible.
> 2. Maybe it’s possible, but it’s weak and uninteresting.
> 3. It is true and I told you so.
> 4. I thought of it first.
> 5. How could it be otherwise.
> from
> … well, i got a kick out of it, anyway. back to work, then..
Ok, that ties in really well with some memory issues we’ve talked about in class recently. People basically have selective memory that they modify unconsciously and at will (typically). Basically, using the steps above as an example, you can start at point 1 and progress to point 6, and by the time you are at point 6, you can have completely forgotten that you were at point 1, asserting all the time that the idea was original to you, that you were the one who suggested it in the first place, when in reality, you may have violently objected to the idea!
And then we wonder why we need counselors……
Oh, and counselors, keep a sharp out for THIS client.
that’s crazy, lol.