Ok, a couple of different thoughts……
I’m pretty discouraged today at the way my fleshly lusts have pretty much pre-empted my other pursuits. For instance, I now have a PlayStation and a VERY cool video game to go with it (thanks, Hon! ). But the trouble is that this week it has completely consumed my free time, and I’ve gotten very little else done, like my house chores, homework, or even spending time with God. I hate that I’ve become so undisciplined. I don’t think it helps that my bedtime has been chaotic, and most nights I’m lucky to get 6 hours of sleep.
A quote from a website I stumbled across:
“Anyone who wants to glorify God more fully by moving from theology (The study of the nature of God and religious truth) to doxology (An expression of praise to God…which is the heart of worship)!”
This is a good start, but it’s missing a step. How about: Theology to Doxology to Methodology? i.e. the study of the nature of God to praise and worship of God to practical application in daily life — and actually DOING it! Our generation has this really bad habit of studying and praising and forgetting about the doing. Don’t get me wrong — I’m not condemning what this study group is doing. I am merely suggesting that another step be added to the mix, one that is all too often forgotten…..
I’m noticing a lot of discouragement and heartache is going around right now. For those of you struggling, I’ll be praying. For those of us not, we need to gather around those who are and offer Christian support. We are needed, and now is the time for us to step up and take our responsibility to show God’s love, compassion, and encouragement.