I don’t know what all this garbage is about trying to keep religion and politics separated from one another. It’s disgraceful the way that particular clause has been interpreted by the liberal courts over the years. There are so many people who feel that a person’s religious beliefs should have nothing to do with their political actions. What I don’t understand is why people don’t realize that there is no possible way to separate the two. Religion, spirituality, philosophy, theology, and politics are ultimately all inextricably tied to one another. It’s what we call a worldview. And ultimately, it all comes down the individual’s theology (and yes, everyone has a personal theology, whether it is a personal God they belief in, an impersonal, all-encompassing, pantheistic, unknowable God, or no God at all) that governs how one behaves in every other area of life. You just try to separate your belief (or disbelief) in God from everything else. You’ll find that it is impossible to do. People like to stay consistent with their belief systems (a little thing we psychologists like to call ‘cognitive dissonance’ results when that consistency is broken). So, if you wonder about what a person’s religious beliefs are, just look at their behavior. Behavior reflects belief, as well as their underlying worldview.