Butcher the Phrase

Ok, people, the phrase is “_worse_ comes to worst,” not “_worst_ comes to worst.” It’s a progression of bad to even more bad. If you start at ‘worst,’ it can’t really get any more bad from there. It’s already the...

He/She/It vs. They/Them

“Irregular Webcomic”:http://www.irregularwebcomic.net/1769.html has a funny strip up today that’s doubly amusing for writers. I’ve always known that using ‘they’ or ‘them’ as a pronoun to refer back to an (indeterminate)...

Care Less or More?

Ack! People, people – it’s “I _couldn’t_ care less,” not “I _could_ care less.” The former states that there is no more care to be given, that you really don’t care at all and that you can’t possible care any less...


Wow…. folks, pay attention to your verb tenses when you write. Please, for the love of all that’s good and pure (and for the sake of my sanity). Here’s a hint: plural verb tenses go with multiple subjects. Singular verb tenses go with single...

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