
Wow…. folks, pay attention to your verb tenses when you write. Please, for the love of all that’s good and pure (and for the sake of my sanity). Here’s a hint: plural verb tenses go with multiple subjects. Singular verb tenses go with single...

‘A’ Acronym?

The rule of thumb taught in grammar school was simple – use ‘a’ before words beginning with consonants and ‘an’ before words beginning with vowels. Simple, no? Well, here’s one – ‘an’ before words beginning with...

Technique Begets Artistry

One of the things that a musician must learn to do is how to make their music sing. It’s one thing to be able to play the notes and master the rhythm; it’s an entirely different thing to make it sound musical. There are tempos to be followed, crescendos...

Things Writers Really Ought to Know

I have at points in my life been called the Grammar Nazi. In high school my peers always hated it when I would proofread their assignments because I would almost always return them covered in red ink. ((It wouldn’t have been that bad if they simply could have...

Tomato, Tomahto

Does anyone else, when they see the word ‘cliche’ (no accent over the ‘e’, even though it _should_ be spelled ‘cliché’) just want to pronouce it like ‘clique’?

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