A Noticeable Shift

Over the past few weeks, I’ve seen a noticeable shift in focus on my blogroll. A lot of the blogs I’ve been reading that deal with faith and spirituality issues have been thinned a great deal while my writing-related blogroll has expanded substantially....


A thunderstorm rolled through our area in the early hours this morning, fortunately moving on quickly enough that I did not have to feed horses in the rain. It did not roll through so swiftly, though, that I was not able to see some of its beauty as it fled south. It...

On the Writing Life

Courtesy of “Eric Nylund”:http://www.ericnylund.net/2006/10/stephen-kings-latest-essay.html, I ran across an essay that Stephen King wrote for the “Washington...


Pros and cons to busy weekends. On the plus side, two horse stalls are now ready for winter. On the down side down, I’ve gotten zero writing done, and I have quite a long list of things to be done. Fall is definitely here. You can feel it, smell it everywhere....

100 Voices in the Night

20 writers. 1 anthology. _100 Voices in the Night_. This is the idea that “Ben Marroquin”:http://storymask.wordpress.com/ of “Storymask”:http://storymask.com/ presented to me a couple of weeks ago. Flash fiction has become a popular pasttime of...

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