Don’t Use These

Bad Lingo: Blog-Media Clichés – Gawker And right on the heels of “things you shouldn’t write about on your blog”: comes phrases that should, at all costs, be avoided in your...

Conclusion Words

I enjoy reading Ray Rhamey’s articles over at “Flogging the Quill”: He always has such great tips for creating a readable and satisfying story. His “article...


I’m at a point in my writing where I think I need to establish a more specific set of goals. I feel like I’ve stagnated a bit where I am, so it’s time to raise the bar a little. In no particular order: Submit one short story a month. The only way to...

Technique Begets Artistry

One of the things that a musician must learn to do is how to make their music sing. It’s one thing to be able to play the notes and master the rhythm; it’s an entirely different thing to make it sound musical. There are tempos to be followed, crescendos...

Flogging the Quill: Don’t get me started

Flogging the Quill: Don’t get me started It’s always fun to find a good, constructive article pointing out some to-be-avoided subtleties that we all tend to unconsciously write into our stories. Ray Rhamey, over at “Flogging the...

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