Mud Is the New Color of the Season

One downside to owning livestock is that, no matter what the weather outside, you have to be out in it at least twice a day. This has definitely been an unusually wet season, and coupled with the falling temperatures, makes it quite miserable out there. But, making...


I’ve found that I don’t really enjoy “Non Sequitur”: is much as I thought I would when I originally started following it a couple of years ago. Usually, when the Danae/Lucy arcs appear, I skip them; same goes...

Blogger Agonies

I’m reminded again of why I’ve always refused to use Blogger as a public writing platform. Apparently, the whole system is once more puking its guts out all over the web. Services were down for a while a little bit ago, and now the silly thing is telling...

BoingBoing Removed

I did it. I had to. I’ve removed BoingBoing from my daily reading list. I’d originally added it because it promised to be a good source for story ideas. Unfortunately, the thing that completely turns me off to it is the constant barrage of partisan news...


Ok, this is silly, I know, but it annoys me just the same. What’s with this phenomenon I keep seeing around on various blogs of calling the Internet these cutesy little names? Some examples – ‘interweeb’, ‘interweb’,...

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