Halo: Expanded

Oh. Oh, my. “Bungie”:http://www.bungie.net has just “announced”:http://www.bungie.net/News/TopStory.aspx?link=bungieatx06 two more reasons why I need an Xbox 360. First, is the announcement of “Halo Wars”:http://www.halowars.com,...

Potlucking It

Quick note before I dash off again. I’ll be telling you all soon about an interesting and exciting new writing project I’m starting on with several others. Details to follow in the next day or three. I have a book review I need to write up on “Tobias...


I’ve been learning a thing or three about simplifying my life. I’m one of those people who’s curious about and interested in just about everything. This has always been both a blessing and a curse because it has always made it difficult for me to...

Total Geek

Ok, bear with me for a few moments. My inner geek needs an audience. Those of you who have been reading me for a while know that I’m an avid Halo/Halo 2 fan. A little while back, I was invited to join the writing staff for a relatively new blog for gamers called...

Dead Man’s Hand

I was recently invited to join the writing staff of “Dead Man’s Hand”:http://dead-mans-hand.blogspot.com/, a blog dedicated to gaming, written by gamers. I just posted my “inaugural...

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