Out of Darkness, Unto Destiny

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series DestinyNew piece of Destiny fan fiction I wrote last week. This one merits a bit of explanation. I wrote it as a kind of transition piece for my clan, Tied the Leader. The TTL Gunslingers were founded on and modeled a bit after...

Reclaimer Images

A little Reclaimer fun I’ve had in Photoshop today: I’ve been toying with the idea of taking advantage of the new Facebook feature of pages, and I whipped up this little screenshot with title and URL for that purpose. A smaller version of the above, with...

Secret Brotherhood

I tend to share my Halo musings around – and since I’m especially loyal to my clan, you can find my latest bit of musings over on “XerxdeeJ’s blog”:http://blog.tiedtheleader.com/article/746/secret-society (along with Deej’s...

Ogame Development

I didn’t think it’d be possible, but this “Ogame”:http://ogame.org thing is really quite addictive. I’ve been playing for a bit over a week now (10 days, actually), and I’ve worked my way up to a solidly established Homeworld (which...