Presuppositionalism, Science, and Faith

I know I’m probably going to take a beating for writing this, but here goes, anyway. I suppose you could say that I’m a “pressuppositionalist”: – I tend to follow an apologetic approach that...


I found this over at “Mark’s blog”: the other day: bq. p. 118: “Americans will go to almost any lengths to avoid sounding negative, pessimistic, or defeatist, even if it means being somewhat less than honest or...

Give Me Simplicity

There are many times during the course of my immersion into the realms of science fiction and fantasy, whether it be reading books, watching shows or movies, etc., when I wish that I could experience aspects of those cultures first-hand. For instance, in the...

Nothing More Than Feelings

“Follow your heart.” “Do what feels right.” “If it feels good, how can it be bad?” Do any of these sound familiar? And this one may _seem_ like it’s different from the three above, but it’s not: “You have to do...


The Society of Serpents and Doves: Ruminating on the Emergent Church “Dr. Mark Caleb Smith”: writes about the emergent church movement, addressing many of the same concerns that I’ve “mentioned...

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