by Jim Stitzel | May 17, 2006 | Technology
One of my favorite card games is a collectible card game (CCG) called “Warlord: Saga of the Storm”: ((I also enjoy a good game of Yu-Gi-Oh from time to time.)) I haven’t actually played the game in about 12-18 months due to...
by Jim Stitzel | Feb 16, 2006 | General
Y’know, I think I resent the implication in our culture today that an artistic man must be, at the very least, a closet homosexual. For whatever reason people can’t seem to grasp the notion that even the most masculine men can still be in touch with those...
by Jim Stitzel | Dec 29, 2005 | General
It is the extremists of any major religion that end up giving the whole a bad reputation. Bad news travels more quickly than good news does, and poor behavior is more easily remembered and available to memory than is good behavior. So what typically ends up happening...
by Jim Stitzel | Dec 21, 2005 | General
bq. Don’t tell us over and over again how something’s a generalization and doesn’t apply to everyone. Duh. Some use of generalities are necessary with these topics. “#”: Generalizations. We...
by Jim Stitzel | Nov 22, 2005 | General
I’m working on trying to be less cynical. I overheard a comment today about hard how people have been working this week, and my first thought was to remark about how poor the guy’s work ethic was. It wasn’t until I’d followed that train of...