No LaTeX

So, I found out from submitting a support ticket the other day that Bluehost does not allow LaTeX to be installed on their servers. I’ve no idea why. This may be enough to cause me to start looking for a new webhost again and run a server switch near the time...

Server Migration

Well, I had my site moved from a PHP4 server to a PHP5 server so I could run a new application I’m interested in checking out. Trouble is, after the migration I discovered that I also need Apache2 installed, and this server only runs Apache 1.x.x. I’ve...

WP 2.1.2 and Webhosts

It is in upgrading to WordPress 2.1.2 that I am reminded of how glad I am that I switched webhosts. FTP speeds for Bluehost are already a thousand times better than what they ended up being for iPower. And the weird thing is that they _used_ to be good with iPower, as...

Transferring WordPress to a New Webhost

“Jean”: “requested”: that I lay out the process I used in moving my website to a new host, and since it’s information that others might...

And… We’re Back!

Well, that could have been a whole lot more painful. After three days of inactivity, we’re back up and running. New host, new server, better control panel, better options, better everything. After three days of silence and no response from my former webhost...