Gotta Have ’em!

Taken from “What New Youth Pastors Really Need To Know”: at “Nameless Youth Pastors”: 2. No. We really don’t NEED one more lock-in, car wash, fundraiser, or t-shirt. 3. Okay, I...

Windows to the Soul

It’s always interesting to observe some of the things that people do that they don’t realize they do. Subtle, and not-so-subtle, nuances in body language are sometimes more revealing than what they say. I talked with a fellow today who spent most of our...

Neuroses of the Telephonic Variety

Having now worked outbound customer service for Safeco Insurance for the past several days, I have become convinced that Americans are neurotic about answering their telephones. Some of things that people have set aside long enough to answer my call have been both...

“Riddle me this…”

Over the last few weeks and months, I have been overcome with fascination for the written word. Part of this has been exemplified in my increasing desire to write, both fiction and commentary. Part of it can be seen in my continued collection of bumper sticker...

All By Myself

A post by Joel inspired me to write this little bit today. I’ve been told in a number of my psychology classes that extroverts outnumber introverts significantly. I wouldn’t be too surprised by this. Our culture trains individuals to be extroverts in order...

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