Classical Abuse

“Group Thinks Classical Music Will Deter Hartford Crime”: I knew that a lot of people today dislike classical music, but I had no idea just how much until now. It seems that a community in...

Might As Well Use a Match

I was asked yesterday about joining the office lottery pool. From what I understand, everyone pitches in a couple of bucks a week, and then our secretary goes and buys everyone a lottery ticket. The winner (should anyone happen to do so) then acquires a little extra...


I tend to be very sensitive to people’s moods and personalities, and believe me, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. On the positive side, empathy and sympathy come very easily for me. I can step into someone else’s shoes easily and imagine...

Getting My Funk On

And no, I’m not talking about the music style (even though it _is_ one of my favorites). I’ve been in a bit of a funk all week. Hazards, I guess, of not having much on my mind, let alone anything thought-provoking, and of not getting enough sleep....

Learning Style

I am very much a self-taught learner. My preferred learning style is to sit down with the subject at hand, a relevant task, a stack of reference manuals, and plenty of time to just hack my way through until I figure it out. I learn best through the process of trial...

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