The Brain’s Faulty Circuits

The Brain’s Faulty Circuits

TW: frank discussion of suicidal ideation The last few days, possibly even the last couple of weeks, I’ve struggled with a suicidal ideation right around bedtime. I’ve written previously about the fact that mental unwellness creeps up on me at the end of...

More Than a Figment

There was a time when I thought my anxiety wasn’t real, that it was a figment of my imagination, an emotional ghost conjured by my subconscious to cover up the other mental health issues I deal with on a daily basis. Having a psychology background I have a...

Liars’ Eyes

Dear writers, authors, and other creative types, You know that thing you’ve heard about liars’ eyes? How when you tell a lie, you look up and to the right because that’s what you do when you access the creative part of your brain? And how you look to...