The Rise of Advanced Cultures

I learned a little something new this morning that got me to thinking on an interesting, tangential rabbit trail. The origins of the lost city of Atlantis mythos can be traced back to the philosopher Plato. He was teaching a lesson on the topic of the ideal society...

Busy as a Beaver

I’ve been neglecting my blog lately. Heck, I’ve been neglecting almost everything that isn’t related to my job or the farm lately. Life is just keeping me busy of late. I even have story ideas I’d like to work on, one of them a short story idea...

Feeling Snarky

I’m having a day of snark – one of those where everything I want to write about involves some sort of sarcastic response toward ridiculous opinions and viewpoints. Hazards of coming off a couple of sick days, I suppose – I tend to be a little less...

Reading List

I’ve got a rather well-rounded speculative fiction reading list to start off the new year, courtesy of my wife and sister. Wanna see it? “_Forever Odd_”: