A Personal Request

I don’t typically make requests of people. I usually like to accomplish things on my own merit. I’m making an exception to my own rule just this once. Actually, it’s less of a request and more of a global giving of permission. I enjoy discussion and...

So, Why Do You Blog?

I admit it. I periodically suffer from bouts of despondency. Truth be known, I’m actually very moody and wrestle with depression on a fairly regular basis. (And the fact that my wife can put up with me day after day makes me love her all that much more.) One...

Open Dialogue and Subdomains

For anyone who might be trying to access my site (http://www.open-dialogue.com/forum/index.php) without success right now, try this one: http://open-dialogue.com/forum/index.php. It’s the same, just without the www. prefix. For some reason the www. isn’t...

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