Rules versus Laws and the Breaking Thereof

So, back in November I posted this thought for the day: There is a significant difference between breaking the rules and breaking the law. One is a key factor in progress and innovation; the other is a breach of morality and trust. I deliberately didn’t provide...

Feeling Snarky

I’m having a day of snark – one of those where everything I want to write about involves some sort of sarcastic response toward ridiculous opinions and viewpoints. Hazards of coming off a couple of sick days, I suppose – I tend to be a little less...

Ick Factor

Boing Boing: Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence trike drag (queen) race, SF I’m linking to this particular article for only one reason. I’ve considered writing about this for a little while now, but this quote was the catalyst: bq. Scenes like this make me...

Musical Posture

I heard an evangelist speak once when I was a kid. His topic was music, particularly the evils of rock ‘n’ roll. I don’t remember much now of what he said but for one thing. It was something to the effect that rock music was evil because most rock...

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