Mental Health: Things People Say

Mental Health: Things People Say

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and while great strides have been made in recent years to remove and reduce the stigma associated with mental illness, we still have a long way to go to eradicate it completely. So we dedicate this whole month to awareness...

Caught Between a Lull and Quiet Place

I’m sitting here right now, trying to decide what to do with myself. And I don’t mean just on an immediate, here-and-now, should I pick up a controller and play a game or write a story sort of way, though that’s certainly a part of it. I mostly mean...

Here I Sit, Me In My Little Hidey-Hole

It’s 9:30AM, and the day has started without me. I’m ok with this. I woke this morning feeling lonely and alone, as I often do, after another long night of dreams that refuse to allow me to get any kind of proper rest. I grudgingly ate breakfast, not...

Baby Steps Toward Mental Health

This tiny tablet is the first step of the next stage of my search to find mental wellness. (How sad is it that I kinda love the color?) Those of you who also suffer from mental illness may recognize that little pill as buproprion, an off-brand of Wellbutrin. This is...

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