Real Analysis

Image by Akash KIt’s official – I start classes again on Tuesday. But I’m not in the Statistics Ph.D. program yet. Turns out, I’m a little weak on some of my math background at the moment, so upon the recommendation of the chair of the stats...

What Type of Material?

Ok, I know I’m a geek. I read this line from a news item at Gizmodo: it could mean a faster iPhone or a new iPhone with a latex case. # and read it as: it could mean a faster iPhone or a new iPhone with a LaTeX case....

Let It… Snow?

With the weather outside the way it is, one would think it was Christmas vacation this week, rather than Thanksgiving. It is beautiful out there, though, and it was a pleasure to walk in it this morning. Snow is definitely preferable at 28 degrees to rain at 36...

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