Louder Than Words

Actions really do speak louder than words. And that can be a real barrier in the process of restitution. A mistake can be difficult to set right when a pattern of behavior predicts continued failure. Apologies are made, words of forgiveness exchanged, but such words...

Windows to the Soul

It’s always interesting to observe some of the things that people do that they don’t realize they do. Subtle, and not-so-subtle, nuances in body language are sometimes more revealing than what they say. I talked with a fellow today who spent most of our...

Using Statistics in Christian Ministry

Interesting factoid: Statistics are better and more accurate predictors of human behavior than estimations of human behavior based on ‘known’ facts. For instance, I can say that so-and-so will do such-and-such a thing because I have seen examples of people...

What’s black and white and gray all over?

Truth. Well, sort of. Honestly, I think that all truth is actually very much black and white, and if it seems to be more of a gray issue, it is simply a demonstration of the limitations of human knowledge and understanding. Some truths are really very basic, very...

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