Horses in Winter (2009)

Horses in Winter (2009)

Winter’s always a bit of a rough time on the farm. Severe and cold weather make working outside difficult, and the horses build up a lot of energy. So, a (relatively) warm and sunny day is good for...
AHA Jack Monroe Benefit Ride, Myrtle Beach

AHA Jack Monroe Benefit Ride, Myrtle Beach

Over this past weekend, my wife, sister-in-law, and I took a couple of horses down to Myrtle Beach, SC, for the annual American Heart Association Jack Monroe Benefit Ride. It’s a time when a couple of thousand people take over a campground with their horses and...

Urine Humidity

It’s rather disturbing when you step into your small horse barn to feed the animals and realize that it’s humid, but that the _reason_ it’s humid is because all that urine is evaporating. The thought that then runs through your head is, “Ewwww,...

Stillhaven and Gate-hanging

It’s official – my wife and I are now business owners. The final paperwork came back from the state a couple of days ago, and “Stillhaven Farms”: is an official equine business in the state of Indiana. It’s kind...

Aw, yeah…

I love this weather! If you need me, I’ll be out drilling fencepost holes for an arena.

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