The Midnight Road

Drive faster! Rain lashed, wipers slashed, Cort plowed through the pouring rain, the demons of his past – both real and imagined – pursued him close behind. Wind whistled, debris whirled into the road ahead of him, utility poles fell behind him....

7th Son Concluded

I finished up listening to 7th Son this morning on my way to work, and it was a little like what I imagine it must feel like to come down off a high. Three novels’ worth of hard-hitting, gut-wrenching action ends with a bittersweet goodbye to our heroes and a...

Book Reviews for an Alien

“Check it out”: – my first set of book reviews for someone other than myself. Awhile back, Jason Sizemore, the editor-in-chief of “Apex Digest”: put out a call...

Apex Digest and Clarity of Night

A couple of items of note: * “Apex Digest”: is running a subscription drive. They need more subscribers in order to be able to raise the pay rate for contributing writers. If you like science fiction and horror, then I highly recommend...

Flashes of Speculation Open Once Again

After a six-month hiatus, “Flashes of Speculation”: is once more open for business. With the site’s re-launch comes an upgrade to WordPress 2.3 and a new, magazine-style theme, courtesy of “The Design...

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