“Yay, first post!”

Here’s one I don’t really get. I mean, I ‘get’ it, but I don’t ‘get’ it. I keep my ear to the ground for Halo-related videos – machinima, montage, etc. A lot of these videos get posted up on public forums – i.e. a...

Penitent Tangential

I’ve started up a new Halo blog, one that will hopefully be a bit more successful than the last couple I’ve run. “Penitent Tangential”:http://open-dialogue.com/pt focuses primarily on Halo-based movie reviews but will also feature the...

Potlucking It

Quick note before I dash off again. I’ll be telling you all soon about an interesting and exciting new writing project I’m starting on with several others. Details to follow in the next day or three. I have a book review I need to write up on “Tobias...


I’ve been learning a thing or three about simplifying my life. I’m one of those people who’s curious about and interested in just about everything. This has always been both a blessing and a curse because it has always made it difficult for me to...


Sheesh, has it really been three days since I last updated? I didn’t really think the weekend had been that busy, but I suppose it was. How about some highlights? Friday night was Halo night. Terrible night for me. I have absolutely “zero...

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