
“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” I used to read this verse to mean that you would get the things that you want because they are also the things that God wants you to have; ergo, “I’m close to God,...

Dance As Unto the Lord

Something I love about our church is that they periodically incorporate dance into the worship services. Sometimes it is just one person on stage, sometimes a group, sometimes just an adult, sometimes children. I love seeing it because it shows that, in all things, we...


Everyone has certain values, beliefs, and goals that drive them. They serve as the presuppositions and the assumptions behind every thought, behavior, and action. And when these value systems are not clarified, they can hinder communication because people think they...

The ‘Sanctity’ of Worship

How often do you really think about what it is that God sees when you worship? I think especially of worship songs, where (it seems to me) it is so easy to simply get caught up in the moment, in the emotion of the music. I reflect back those chapel services and wonder...

Yeah, He’s That Kind of God

I posted this earlier today as a comment on Joel’s blog and I think that it bears repeating here. So, in the beginning, God created Man in a state of perfection. He did not want mindless servitude. Instead, he opted to give his new creation the ability to choose...

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